
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Ask Seek Knock Receve

Yard sale highlights :
1. Didn't price anything, had signs that said this is a fundraiser pay what you feel it is worth
2. Donations from some great people. Those who gave me your stuff to sell THANK YOU
3. Selling clothes by the bag, day 1 we sold few clothes. Today I made them buy it by the bag. Clothes flew off the tables left and right!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Having my grandma there who loves yard sales and loves to talk. She made this amazing. She told anyone that was willing to listen what we were doing and why. She was such a trooper for 2 long days!
5. My husband he pretty much ran the whole show. Probably a good thing cause I learned I hate to sell my things I know what I paid for them I would rather keep it then give it all away! He was amazing!
6.  My sister lives on the corner of Ray so lots of traffic! AMAZING

I have learned I am not good about asking God for what I want in regards to money. I am good at telling him "I need this" and begging but in this adoption process he is teaching me to ask. Matthew 7:7-8 7"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. This scripture has been known and taught to me but so hard to walk it out especially when it comes to money. God has always provided I have never had to ask for something so big. And when I have been down and out he has provided I asked in terms of "hey I need to pay rent this month" or "I need to fix my car"... Never hey God I really need $700 at this fundraiser. I have had to trust and ask God to provided all the funds for this adoption. I am asking everyone for prayer and financial help where they can. Adoption is hard it involves lots of asking. Lots of knocking. Lots of listening. Never did I think I would be getting a lesson on Matthew 7:7-8 during this adoption process. Awwww

Bounce Fundraiser. Kayloni said you need a goal you need to ask for this $---- amount. So we set the goal at $500 we raised $510
Candles- asked to raise $300 raised exactly $300
Taco and bingo night I really wanted to set the goal for $700 I was convinced that was to high so I set the goal at $500 God meet us at $630. I choose to listen to humans and not him. I lost confidence in myself and my God. I did not wait for him to open the door so I could receive.
T-shirts I said I really need $600 so we can have our dossier to China in July we made $609
31 bags I got this wild hair idea that we could make $300 I did not know what I was thinking when I said that and guess what we made exactly that
Yard sale I said I need $700 I was told that was to high again but I choose to go with my gut and prayer. This past week we decided Bailey is for sure going to China with us. I prayed and asked God to open the door for the $90 for him to get his passport. I called made the appointment in faith it will all work out. At the yard sale we made $886. I asked, I seeked help, I received and the door was opened.
The seeking piece I have had to seek help for fundraisers, seek help for people that want to help fund raise (31 bags), (bingo night all the help that went into that). I am learning that these verses are key to ladybug coming home. I am beyond blessed, loved, over joyed that we are moving right through this process. I am learning more and more that my God is bigger then man. I am learning that I have to ask I have to seek and I have to wait to receive. This is hard work this is exhausting but with help we will get it done. We will get her home.
(Side note I didnt think to ask a dear friend who is good at grant writing for help. I assumed she has to much on her plate. I put on facebook one night how hard grants are. 30 minutes later she called to chew me out for not asking for help. She said yes I may be busy but if you are asking me to do something I love then I will make time. That is fun stuff not work. OOPS all the stress over how to get the job done and now we are working on our first grant)....

Another read for the night. Loving this....

Clarke's Commentary on Philippians 4:19

My God shall supply all your need - As you have given to me in my distress, God will never suffer you to want without raising up help to you, as he raised you up for help to me. According to his riches - His fullness is infinite; and through Christ, whose followers we are, he will dispense every requisite blessing of providence, grace, and glory, to you.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Yard Sale

Yard sale this weekend for you ladybug. Mom and Dad are working hard for you to come home. We have learned in a very short time how hard of work fundraising is. How hard adoption is but we will not give up till you are home. We will press on working, begging, and working some more till you are home. We pray the boys don't get burned out in this process. We pray we find the strength to still relax in between fundraisers. We pray that this is a short season not a long one. Once we have enough for you to come home we are done. We do not want any debt to bring you home so once you are home we do not have that stress on our shoulders. Love you.

This was my late night lack of sleep post. Mind would not turn off. Yard sale yard sale

Monday, May 12, 2014

New fundraisers

We are doing a puzzle piece fundraiser.
The way it works
1. We bought a 300 piece puzzle, we are selling each puzzle piece for $5 each
2. Goal to raise $1500
3. Unity everyone that buys a piece or two writes there name on the back (the more you buy the more you can right). Once we sell all 300 pieces it shows everyone that helped bring ladybug home.
4. Everyone can afford $5 to buy one piece and it goes on for a couple months so you get a chance to buy one a month if you want.
5. Send money via paypal or to us directly or stop by and pay us and we will give you a piece! 
6. Goal to have a fished puzzle by August 31!  We will start with the outside and work in. We will post on facebook as we go along!
7. Share with your friends and everyone! Thank you from the bottom of our heart! This village is moving but it takes everyone!!!!!!!!!

Google puzzle piece fundraiser to see more information.

Here is the puzzle:

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hmm what to call this

Shirts was a sucess! I have a few blue ones to sell if you want one! $25 each! Let me know! We made just over $600 on that! Thank you.

No new updates on ladybug I wish China would send us one. I pray that she is doing great and thriving! The boys talk about her all the time. My niece wants to give everything to her. She says "Auntie this can be for your baby" And says to Tyrin "this is for your sister" or "your sister needs to come home soon"! It is so fun to watch the boys excitement and listen to them talk about there sister. We are all so in love. Can not wait to kiss her!

We are doing a 31 fundraiser right now. We get 25% of all sales! So many fun things in the catalog!
They have great summer specials! Let me know if you have questions. (not sure if anyone really reads this blog). Some days think this is just for me!! And for memories! If you are reading hope you enjoy!

So many people always ask "why" adopt "why" China.
Adoption is hard but why not adopt? Why allow these children to have no family. Why leave them in an orphan. Why not give them life. Give them hope. Give them a future. I could not imagine not having my family. Even though there are challenges struggles and we dont always get alone. We are family. And when life is ugly they are there most of the time. They dont support us always. But we are family. This little one needs that. I thank you for praying for her and us. Pray that we bond. Pray that she is healthy. Pray that her life will be blessed because we are in it.

Nehemiah 1:10
10 “Lord, these are your servants, your own people. You rescued them by your great power and strength. 11 Listen now to my prayer and to the prayers of all your other servants who want to honor you. Give me success today and make the emperor merciful to me.” 

This verses are some of my favorite. The study I did on Nehemiah was the light in my path to adoption. More on that later. 

Many blessings