
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Tacos and Bingo

What a great night the Tacos and Bingo night was! It was lots of fun for us and I hope everyone that came had fun to. We are greatful for you coming and hanging with us last night. We raised $630 dollars! That is so awesome. God is so good.
I do have to say I hate asking for money. I hate feeling like I am begging every step of the way. If I come across that way I don't want. I just want her to be home. I want this to be cheaper. I want to have the money in my bank and not have to ask. But adoption is expensive. I dont have lots of money. We dont have extra money. We have debt, car payments, and student loans. We live on what we make and not a lot left! So here we are asking for your help. Trusting God to bring the right people into our lives to bless us. And we know this chapter will soon be over. Soon we will have taken her from a life of no love, no hope, and a unsure of future.
Pray that we can have another successful fundraiser.
Pray that we can get grants.
Pray that we listen to what God wants. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Thank you

To you that have donated, prayed and bought candles I say thank you!

We have paid so far $3,150 to our homestudy

We mailed the $2,000 to the adoption agency

We have the money for the I-800A $970

We have also paid for: Well water check $20 fingerprints $150 Dog stuff $50 Mailing letters $75 Application fee $500 Classes for China $200 Background clearances $90

Baby steps feeling very accomplished!!!

We are coming for you ladybug. Love you princess!

Hope to see you all Saturday!!!!!!!!! 

Monday, April 21, 2014


Realization yesterday on Easter next year we will have one more.
One more to get dressed. One that will take more time to look pretty. Boys are easy. Get dressed maybe wet the hair and out the door. Pray that they dont jump in the puddle before church. Girls you have hair to do, the right shoes and dress. I know yesterday it took me almost an hour to get ready most days 20 to 30 minutes and I am good. And then it sunk in next year I have another princess to get ready. I can not wait for her to be here. I can not wait to go dress shopping. It makes my heart sad that she didnt get to celebrate yesterday. She probably didnt have anyone tell her they love her. And the reason we celebrate a glorious day. I love Resurrection Sunday for many reasons. In my heart it is a new season. Spring and summer. Things are blooming. The sun is shinning. It is a new leaf in my heart. It re sets me for another year. Every year I look forwarded to Easter and the re setting of me. I love Christmas but my true favorite is Easter. Jesus arose the story is so true and amazing. It digs into my soul. It makes me want to have peace and love. It makes me want to be the hands and feet of Jesus. My Jesus was beaten and whipped for me. He was put in a tomb and then HE ROSE. HE IS ALIVE. All for me. I love his story of his birth but that is just a birth not what he did for us. I get teary eyed every time I picture the story of his death. Soon I can share this one more special girl. I get to teach her about our amazing Jesus. Something she would not have if it was not for us. Adoption has really pulled on my heart to be a better mom. Too love more and forgive even more. Happy Easter. Go in peace.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Update on fees :)

We were told Ladybug came with a grant just had not seen it come off our bill. We just got a new bill from the agency breaking this down even better for us!!! YES! I have a plan for this see the blue and if you have questions on what the money is for just ask. If you want it to be tax deducible no problem send it to ATWA with a note that it is for us!

ATWA (adoption agency) program fee: $2000 due before Dossier and as soon as we can WE ARE ONLY $250 away from that. Goal April 20th! (If you came to the bounce house fundraiser you helped us reach this goal so fast! Thank you so much for coming! You rock!) (I would love to send you a thank you card email me your address if you was there)

I-800A Immigration: $970 this is where we send our home study they approve us to bring a child in this country and allow her to be a citizen. We also have to be re fingerprinted. This step is obnoxious!!! WE HAVE THIS MONEY FROM LEIGH ANN WORKING! The envelope is ready needs a date and a home study goal to mail is May 10th. Hope to be approved June 30th! After that we hope to have our funds to submit the Dossier... See next step

ATWA Dossier Submission and Processing: $4,760  This is to translate our dossier documents and send to China to get approval to travel.
                    We will get this money from the yard sale, t-shirt sales, and a car wash in June. And heavy prayer that God will provide. Have no fear for I am with you!

ATWA due at travel: $3950 This is to pay off the adoption agency, help us get situated for travel and finalize the rest of the adoption. This is our last payment to them.
                   This will be paid by Leigh Ann working half of May June July and August

Orphanage fee: $5,750 have to pay the orphanage to bring her home. That helps them keep on taking little ones.
            We will have another couple fundraisers and trust that God will bring us this money to! Lots of trusting and walking in faith here. Grants hopefully will be in and can help! 

Airfaire, loging, food: $7700 any one know of some good deals on airline and travel to China I will be needing that info this fall once we have approval to travel!!!
                 Some more of Leigh Ann working September October and November. Hope to travel in November. And we can Torsten work will pay for most of this as well!

Misc, Visa, Medical Exams, Extra translation fees, and post translation fees: $1385 yes this is what the adoption agency put in the contract to plan for so we will plan for! Not due till the very end and travel.
          This is all small things and will come together. Not sure how or when these will come up so not sure how to plan for these.

With all of you by our side this is getting closer and clearer every day. Hope to see you April 26th @530 for Tacos and Bingo! Bring a friend or two!

Go buy a shirt please!!!!!!!!!!!

Langley's and Ladybug

Sunday, April 6, 2014

T Shirts

We are selling t-shirts. They are awesome buy one for you and for a friend!!!!!!!!!

First Fundraiser

Yes Yes Yes
Our first fundraiser is done and went excellent. The weather messed with our first date so I was very un sure on how that would affect people. Also the weather was very iffy for the day it was re planned to. But Saturday morning we woke up and there was sun. It was a colder day but that didn't keep the kids from having an awesome time!
Our goal was $500 and we reached it and passed it by ten dollars! We are so blessed. We are now $510 closer to bringing lady bug home! We could not be more excited. We are thankful, and forever grateful to the Bonner Family and Bounce Time Rentals for doing this for us!
Small plug that they did not pay for ~~~ If you need any inflatable of fun brought to your house you should call them. They are hard working very kind and giving business owners. I have had the pleasure twice to see them donate and bless others. And I am sure it has been many more times! Give them a call @ 509-863-6002 or check them out on Facebook
They are just a ma and pa shop getting off the ground and going into the battle field as business owners!!!
Thank you again
Langley Family

Next Fundraiser put on your calendar April 26th Tacos and Bingo night!!!!!!!!